Tampereen yliopisto

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Solar Energy Technologies), 2 positions / Tutkijatohtori (Aurinkoenerg

  • Sijainti Pirkanmaa
  • Julkaistu 21.08.2024, 12:00
  • Suljettu 13.09.2024, 0:42
  • Tätä työpaikkaa voit hakea käyttäen Osaajaprofiilia pohjana!

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Solar Energy Technologies), 2 positions / Tutkijatohtori (Aurinkoenerg

Tampere University is Finland’s second largest higher education institution with society, health, and technology as its spearheads of research and learning. Faculty of Education and Culture carries out high-quality research that has a holistic approach and employs in-depth contextual understanding to deliver impact for society. Read more: https://www.tuni.fi/en

The Surface Science group at Tampere University, Finland, led by Prof. Mika Valden , is focused on surface and interface physics of photonic nanomaterials. Our recent publications can be found here.

Job Description

The postdoctoral Research Fellow position involves responsibilities to research and development of photoelectrochemical reactor, i.e. Solar Fuel Reactor, based on photoabsorber materials (III–V semiconductors, Si-based photovoltaics, plasmon-enhanced TiO2) and state-of-the-art co-catalyst grown by atomic layer deposition for the production of solar fuels and feedstock chemicals such as methanol from H2O and CO2. The objective is to outperform the current benchmark results in respective photovoltaic technologies in terms of efficiency, stability and selectivity. 


Candidates should have a PhD in physics, chemistry or materials science and are expected to have an excellent track record in chemical physics or related research fields. Additional experience in synchrotron light-based spectroscopies is a strong advantage.

We offer

The positions are filled for a fixed-term period until the end of 2025 (31.12.2025). The positions can be filled as from August 1st 2024. A trial period of six (6) months applies to all our new employees. The salary will be based on both the position requirements and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the Salary system of Finnish universities.

The position of a Postdoctoral Research Fellow is placed on levels 5-6. A typical starting salary for Postdoctoral Research Fellow is 3500 EUR/month. Employment includes occupational health care and social security benefits.

Tampere is the largest inland city in the Nordic countries and is considered a major academic hub in the region. The region is home to a vibrant, knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community, and the city is an industrial powerhouse with a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland’s information society. Additionally, Finland is known for being one of the most stable, free, and safe countries in the world, based on various ratings by prominent agencies. Tampere is surrounded by stunning nature, with forests and lakes offering countless opportunities for easy-to-access outdoor adventures and refreshment throughout the year.

Read more about Finland and Tampere: 

How to apply

Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is September 12, 2024 (at 23.59 EEST / UTC +3). Please write your application and all accompanying documents in English and attach them in PDF formt.

Applications should include the following documents:

  • Coverletter
  • CV
  • List of publications

For more information, please contact:

Professor, Mika Valden, mika.valden (at) tuni.fi

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences |


Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää: www.tuni.fi

Prof. Mika Valdenin johtamassa pintatieteen tutkimusryhmässä kehitetään aurinkoenergiaa hyödyntäviä reaktoriratkaisuja, joilla valmistetaan uusiutuvia polttoaineita ja kemianteollisuuden raaka-aineita hiilidioksidista ja vedestä valosähkökemiallisesti. 

Työn kuvaus:

Etsimme kahta postdoc-tutkijaa, joilla tulee olla vahva tausta ja kiinnostus johonkin seuraavista aloista: valosähkökemia, kemiallinen fysiikka, pintatiede ja fotoniikan nanomateriaalit.


Tarkemmat tehtävänkuvaukset ja tehtävään liittyvät tutkimusprojektit ovat esitelty ilmoituksen englanninkielisessä osassa.

Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta). Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 12.9.2024 klo 23.59.


Professori, Mika Valden mika.valden (at) tuni.fi
